Wyniki konkursu na dwa stanowiska badawcze w grancie ERC StG Project – Recycling the German Ghosts. Resettlement Cultures in Poland, Czechia and Slovakia after 1945 (SPECTRAL RECYCLING)
Informujemy, że w ramach grantu ERC StG Project – Recycling the German Ghosts. Resettlement Cultures in Poland, Czechia and Slovakia after 1945 (SPECTRAL RECYCLING), realizowanego w Instytucie Slawistyki PAN, odbył się konkurs na dwa stanowiska badawcze. Komisja konkursowa na podstawie oceny przesłanych dokumentów oraz rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej podjęła decyzję o zatrudnieniu mgra Michala Korhela i mgr Kariny Hoření.
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Results of an open competition for two research positions in the ERC StG Project – Recycling the German Ghosts. Resettlement Cultures in Poland, Czechia and Slovakia after 1945 (SPECTRAL RECYCLING)
We would like to inform that under the ERC StG Project – Recycling the German Ghosts. Resettlement Cultures in Poland, Czechia and Slovakia after 1945 (SPECTRAL RECYCLING), implemented at the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, there was an open competition for the two research positions. Based on the evaluation of the submitted documents and an interview, the recruitment committee decided to choose mgr Michal Korhel and mgr Karina Hoření. Congratulations!